Securing your data is paramount

Offpeak Design is committed to best practices when it comes to sharing information and backend security


Offense = Best Defense

From the start, Offpeak Design proactively protects your website with third-party security software tools and ensures that compliance standards are met to mitigate risks. A review of your hosting and website environment looks for vulnerabilities and recommendations are proactively shared with you.


Do as I Say, AND as I Do

Whether sharing information online or via collaborative communications, Offpeak Design is paying attention to how that information should be protected or managed. When necessary, every client is encouraged and educated to use best practices.


Handling a Breach

If your website has been compromised in any way, Offpeak Design will actively review and address as best we can as fast as we can. Whenever possible, third-party services are selected with responsive troubleshooting capabilities in mind. Whether it’s your hosting provider or third-party software installations.

Passion driven design awaits

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